Tag Archives: Dawn McLaughlin Making Tax Digital

A Strong Learning Culture

Develop a learning culture

A strong learning culture is important to Dawn McLaughlin & Co.  We believe in keeping ourselves and our clients up to date with all the latest developments in business and finance. Owners are focused on developing the people around them but who takes responsibility for their development?  Lead by example If you want your team to […]

Free Sage Digital Workshop

Free Sage Digital Workshop

Great news – Invitations for the next in our successful series of free Sage Digital workshops are currently on their their way to clients and contacts. As you are aware, we are encouraging businesses to move to a digital platform to enable a smooth transition for Making Tax Digital.  We really enjoy these digital workshops as […]

Making Tax Digital – Act Now

We have only 20 days left to file the first mandatory MTD VAT Return and we are still encountering businesses that are not ready. The vat return for quarter ended 30 June 2019 is due by the 7 August and some businesses have yet to register. Our advice is to act immediately as HM Revenue […]